Текст и перевод песни Way of the Girl Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Way of the Girl - Garth Brooks

Way of the Girl

The very air that surrounds her

A breath you can't live without

Can't think straight since you found her

What's this creature about

You pursue her in mazes

Always one step behind

You'd change the world for her graces

But she keeps changing her mind

It's just the way of the girl, just the way of the girl

It's just the way of the girl, just the way of the girl

Some they in it for money

Some they in it for love

Some they in it for romance

My baby's all the above

It's just the way of the girl, just the way of the girl

(Just the way it is, can't help it)

It's just the way of the girl, just the way of the girl

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