Текст и перевод песни Unto You This Night Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Unto You This Night - Garth Brooks

Unto You This Night

On a night so long ago

By the light of one bright star

Two weary travelers far from Galilee

Took refuge in a stable

Where a little child was born

To bring the gift of love, to you and me

When the angels told the shepherds of His birth

There came a great rejoicing on the earth.

And they sang, glory to God in the highest

Dawning that first Christmas morn

Peace on earth and tidings of great joy

For unto you this night a child is born.

And, lo, these many years since then

That ancient star still guides us

And now again our Christmas voices ring

Blessed we are and safe at home

With loved ones her beside us

And in the still and silent night we sing

How the angels told the shepherds of his birth

And there came a great rejoicing on the earth

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