Текст и перевод песни This Ain't Tennessee Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни This Ain't Tennessee - Garth Brooks

This Ain't Tennessee

It's a big estate

With wrought iron gates

And palm trees standing tall

Fancy mirrors and chandeliers

Comfort wall to wall

And the ocean air is so crisp and clear

And they rave about our view

But there ain't no mountain breeze

And there ain't no hickory trees

And this ain't Tennessee

And she ain't you

There's a bedroom suite

Where she comes to me

And as her fingers touch my face

I close my eyes and I fantasize

Of another time and place

What she feels is so warm and real

And I know her love is true

And she tries so hard to please

Still I think sometimes she sees

That this ain't Tennessee

And she ain't you

It's not that it's not good enough

And it's not that I'm not man enough

There's just something easy going that I love

About you and Tennessee

So I made up my mind to learn my lines

And try to play the part

But part of me is in Tennessee

And deep down in my heart

I miss my Smoky Mountain home

And I miss your loving too

And it's deep inside of me

And it's always gonna be

'Cause this ain't Tennessee

And she ain't you

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