Текст и перевод песни The Storm Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни The Storm - Garth Brooks

The Storm

She sits among the pieces of broken glass and photographs

Reluctantly releases the last of what was her past

It struck without a warning or did she just ignore the signs

In those dark clouds forming behind her silver lines

The door it slams like thunder and the tears they fell like rain

And the warnings from her family whirl like a hurricane

She's drowning in emotions and she cannot reach the shore

She survived but can she survive the storm

A broken jewel box dancer lies in pieces down the hall

She's finding out the answers don't change nothing at all

It's time that she stopped searching for who's to blame or what went wrong

The only thing for certain is he's gone, she's got to move on

The door it slams like thunder and the tears they fell like rain

And the warnings from her family whirl like a hurricane

She's drowning in emotions and she cannot reach the shore

She survived but can she survive the storm

Someday days just roll on by without a gray cloud in the sky

She keeps telling herself, "I will make it on my own."

And her friends they've all gone back to their lives

Thinking she will be all right

As she races through the night to make it home

The door it slams like thunder and the tears they fell like rain

And the warnings from her family whirl like a hurricane

She's drowning in emotions and she cannot reach the shore

She survived but can she survive the storm

She sits among the pieces of broken glass and photographs

Reluctantly releases the last of what was her past

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