Текст и перевод песни The Fever Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни The Fever - Garth Brooks

The Fever

He's got a split finger wrap

And his rope's pulled way to tight

He's got a lunatic smile

'Cause he's really drawn deep tonight

He's got a fever, fever, fever, fever

Grab a hold of anything and hold on tight

It hits you like the venom from a rattle snake bite

We're all here 'cause he's not all there tonight

He takes one last breath

And time turns inside out

Then the gate busts open to the world he dreams about

He's got a fever, fever, fever, fever

Stick a rope on anything 'cause he don't care

He'd even take a ride on the electric chair

We're all here 'cause he's not all there tonight

He says it's really kind of simple

Keep your mind in the middle

While your butt spins 'round and 'round

Take heed to Sankey's preaching

Keep lifting and reaching

And riding like there ain't no clowns

What he loves might kill him

But he's got no choice

He's a different breed

With a voice down deep inside

That's screaming he was born to ride

He's got a fever, fever, fever, fever

Fever makes you crazy 'cause it makes no sense

Like running from your shadow out of self-defense

He won't run and baby he can't hide

He thinks the odds are even leaving one hand tied

He gets so tired of hanging on so tight

I know you think he's crazy well I think you're right

We're all here 'cause he's not all there that's right

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