Текст и перевод песни She's Gonna Make It Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни She's Gonna Make It - Garth Brooks

She's Gonna Make It

He followed her to work this morning

He'd never seen that dress before

She seemed to sail right through those dark clouds forming

That he knows he's headed for

After seven years of marriage

He wanted out

And after seven monthes of freedom

Its clear that there's no doubt

She's gonna make it

And he never will

He's at the foot of another mountain

And she's over that hill

He's sinking at sea, and her sails are filled

She's gonna make it

And he never will

And you know it's not like she's forgot about him

She's just dealing with the pain

And the fact that she's survived so well without him

You know it's driving him insane

And the crazy thing about it

Is she'd take him back

But the fool in him that walked out

Is the fool that just won't ask

She's gonna make it

And he never will

He's at the foot of another mountain

And she's over that hill

He's sinking at sea, and her sails are filled

She's gonna make

And he never will

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