Текст и перевод песни Send 'em On Down the Road Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Send 'em On Down the Road - Garth Brooks

Send 'em On Down the Road

He didn't ask, he didn't pry

He just held the ice that covered my black eye

And when that girl broke my heart

We just threw that baseball back and forth 'til dark

And when I started playing guitar and didn't have a clue

He wanted to protect me but somehow my father knew

You can cry for 'em

Live and die for 'em

You can help them find their wings

But you can't fly for 'em

'Cause if they're not free to fall

Then they're not free at all

And though you just can't

Bear the thought of letting go

You pick 'em up, you dust 'em off

You send 'em on down the road

A little kiss on a skinned up knee

From playing soccer, riding bikes and climbing trees

And when bad dreams filled their heads

I chased the monsters out from underneath their beds

I guess I always knew those days would end

But the hardest thing I've ever learned has been

You can cry for 'em

Live and die for 'em

You can help them find their wings

But you can't fly for 'em

'Cause if they're not free to fall

Then they're not free at all

And though you just can't

Bear the thought of letting go

You pick 'em up, you dust 'em off

You send 'em on down the road

You can cry for 'em

Live and die for 'em

And even though it's gonna break your heart

You let 'em go, you pick 'em up, you dust 'em off

You hold 'em close and you pray a lot

You send 'em on down the road

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