Текст и перевод песни Rollin' Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Rollin' - Garth Brooks


She was born to a mother trucker

Raised behind the wheel

So you can blame it on the highway

For the way she can't sit still

She says life is like a windshield

It ain't no rear view mirror

The only way to get where you're going

Is find that higher gear

And keep it


Life's gonna run you over if you don't get going

She said I wanna feel the earth move under me

Moving with the motion of a melody

Oh I get the blues if the rhythm ain't got no soul

You got to keep it


Well I knew that I was in trouble

When she told me that talk was cheap

Said if you're tired get on the sofa

'Cause the bed's no place to sleep

Then she reached down and she kissed me

Lord it knocked me on my knees

And I knew if I was gonna get naked

I was gonna have to roll up my sleeves

And keep it


Love was gonna run me over if I didn't get it going

She said I wanna feel the earth move under me

Moving with the motion of a melody

Boy I get the blues if the rhythm ain't got no soul

You got to keep it


So I talked her into getting married

But she wouldn't hang up her wheels

And I's afraid to take a back seat

To the way the highway feels

But each day she's pulling over

More than she used to

She knows love is like the highway

The main thing you gotta do

Is keep it rolling

Life's gonna pass you by if you don't get going

She says I wanna feel the earth move under me

Rocking with the motion of a melody

Boy, I get the blues if the rhythm ain't got no soul

You got to keep it


Love's gonna pass you by if you don't get going

She said I wanna feel the earth move under me

Moving with the motion of a melody

Boy, I get the blues if the rhythm ain't got no soul

You got to keep it


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