Текст и перевод песни Pushing Up Daisies Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Pushing Up Daisies - Garth Brooks

Pushing Up Daisies

Sometimes I tell you the way that I feel

I swear that I'm going crazy

Keep telling myself it ain't that big a deal

It's better than pushing up daisies

I felt the arrow from death's fatal quiver

Come so close it actually grazed me

I bled the blood and I've felt the cold shiver

God only knows how He saved me

There's two dates in time

That they'll carve on your stone

And everyone knows what they mean

What's more important

Is the time that is known

In that little dash there in between

That little dash there in between

Sometimes my heart is as true a a dove

Sometimes my heart it betrays me

So I draw my sword for to fight for my love

But without a whisper she slays me

My mother died but somehow she keeps living

She'll never cease to amaze me

Now Dad turns his back on each day that he's given

Because he'd rather be pushing up daisies

There's two dates in time

That they'll carve on your stone

And everyone knows what they mean

What's more important

Is the time that is known

In that little dash there in between

That little dash there in between

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