Текст и перевод песни People Loving People Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни People Loving People - Garth Brooks

People Loving People

Doctor you ain't got a pill

For whatever s making this world ill

You can't get forgiveness at the store

And peace it's a politician's war

You won't find no resolution in the bottom of a bottle

In the stars or Aristotle

The only answer to the problem is

People loving people

That's the enemy of everything that's evil

Ain't no quick fix at the end of a needle

It's just people loving people

Words aren't what they seem to be

Talk is cheap and lies are free

We fear what we don't understand

And we've been scared since time began

All the colors and the cultures

Circle 'round us on a spindle

It's a complicated riddle

But the solution is so simple

It's people loving people

That's the enemy of everything that's evil

Ain't no quick fix at the end of a needle

It's just people loving people

You can pawn it off on kings and queens

And those behind the curtain

Say one can't make a difference

In a world so full of hurting

But I believe the remedy

Starts right here with you and me

People loving people

That's the enemy of everything that's evil

Ain't no quick fix at the end of a needle

It's just people loving people

It's just people loving people

It's just people loving people

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