Текст и перевод песни Papa Loved Mama Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Papa Loved Mama - Garth Brooks

Papa Loved Mama

Papa drove a truck nearly all his life

You know it drove mama crazy bein a trucker's wife

The part she couldn't handle was the being alone

I guess she needed more to hold than just the telephone

Papa called mama each and every night

Just to ask her how she was and if us kids were all right

Mama would wait for that call to come in

But when Daddy'd hang up she was gone again

Momma was a looker

Lord how she shined

Papa was a good'n

But the jealous kind

Papa Loved Mama

Mama loved men

Mama's in the graveyard

Papa's in the pen

Well, it was bound to happen

One night it did

Papa came home and it was just us kids

He had a dozen roses and a bottle of wine

If he was looking to surprise her he was doing fine

I heard him cry for mama up and down the hall

Then I heard the bottle break against the bedroom wall

That ol' Diesel engine made an eerie sound

When Papa fired it up and headed into town.

Well, the picture in the paper showed the scene real well

Papa's rig was buried in the local motel

The desk clerk said he saw it all real clear

He never hit the brakes, and he was shifting gears.

Momma was a looker

Lord how she shined

Papa was a good'n

But the jealous kind

Papa Loved Mama

Mama loved men

Mama's in the graveyard

Papa's in the pen

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