Текст и перевод песни Night Rider's Lament Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Night Rider's Lament - Garth Brooks

Night Rider's Lament

One night while I was out a riding

The grave yard shift, midnight till dawn

The moon was bright as a reading light

For a letter from an old friend back home

And he asked me

Why do you ride for your money

Tell me why do you rope for short pay

You ain't a'getting nowhere

And you're losing your share

Boy, you must have gone crazy out there

He said last night I ran on to Jenny

She's married and has a good life

And boy you sure missed the track

When you never come back

She's the perfect professional's wife

And she asked me

Why does he ride for his money

And tell me why does he rope for short pay

He ain't a'getting nowhere

And he's losing his share

Boy he must've gone crazy out there

Ah but they've never seen the Northern Lights

They've never seen a hawk on the wing

They've never spent spring on the Great Divide

And they've never heard ole' camp cookie sing

Well I read up the last of my letter

And I tore off the stamp for black Jim

And when Billy rode up to relieve me

He just looked at my letter and grinned

He said now

Why do they ride for their money

Tell me why do they ride for short pay

They ain't a'getting nowhere

And they're losing their share

Boy, they must've gone crazy out there

Son, they all must be crazy out there

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