Текст и перевод песни New Way to Fly Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни New Way to Fly - Garth Brooks

New Way to Fly

Like birds on a high line

They line up at night time at the bar

They all once were lovebirds

Now bluebirds are all that they are

They landed in hell

The minute they fell from love's sky

And now they hope in the wine

That they'll find a new way to fly

A new way to fly

Far away from goodbye

Above the clouds and the rain

The memories and the pain

And the tears that they cry

Now the lesson's been learned

They've all crashed and burned

But they can leave it behind

If they could just find

A new way to fly

By the end of the night

They'll be high as a kite once again

And they don't seem to mind all the time

Or the money they spend

It's a high price to pay

To just find a way to get by

But it's worth every dime

If they find a new way to fly

They'll leave it behind

As soon as they find

A new way to fly

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