Текст и перевод песни Midnight Sun Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Midnight Sun - Garth Brooks

Midnight Sun

Ain't no hay left upon the ground

Gonna join the sun in sitting down

My last bale and well my tail is dragging

Cotton shirt, Cotton mouth

Cold ones waiting at the house

It's time for me to get down off the wagon

Hose me down and dress me up

Fire up that old pickup truck

Out the gate and let them horses run

A jukebox and swinging doors

Soft and pretties on a hardwood floor

A cowboy's work just ain't never done

In the land of the midnight sun

Find a looker, have her hold my keys

And tell her later we'll be needing these

Grab a cold one, turn it upside down

To that honky tonking sound

Hose me down and dress me up

Fire up that old pickup truck

Out the gate and let them horses run

'Cause eight o' clock comes twice a day

And either way you'll find me chasing strays

A cowboy's work just ain't never done

In the land of the midnight sun

Shoot the breeze while shooting pool

Dance 'til you're sweating like a rented mule

Getting loud with all my cowboy friends

The party never ends

Hose me down and dress me up

Fire up that old pickup truck

Out the gate and let them horses run

Looky there who waits for me

Smiling sweetly, holding up my keys

A cowboy's work just ain't never done

In the land of the midnight sun

In the land of the midnight sun

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