Текст и перевод песни Longneck Bottle Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Longneck Bottle - Garth Brooks

Longneck Bottle

Longneck bottle

Let go of my hand

Hey jukebox don't start playing that song again

'Cause there's a girl at home who loves me

You know she won't understand

Longneck bottle

Let go of my hand

Hey barroom mirror on the wall

Go stare at someone else

Don't show the world the fool I am

Just keep it to yourself

Longneck bottle

Let go of my hand

Hey jukebox don't start playing that song again

'Cause there's a girl at home who loves me

You know she won't understand

Longneck bottle

Let go of my hand

Dance floor seems you're underneath my feet

Everywhere I turn

I oughta waltz right out of them swinging doors

But that's a step I just can't learn

Longneck bottle

Let go of my hand

Lordy, Lordy jukebox don't start playing that song again

'Cause there's a girl at home who loves me

You know she won't understand

Longneck bottle

Let go of my hand

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