Текст и перевод песни It's Midnight Cinderella Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни It's Midnight Cinderella - Garth Brooks

It's Midnight Cinderella

It's midnight Cinderella

But don't you worry none

'Cause I'm Peter Peter the pumpkin eater

And the party's just begun

I guess your Prince Charming

Wasn't after all

'Cause he sure seemed different

Right after the ball

I guess more than the horses

Are turning into rats

And by the way he's walking

I can guess were your slipper's at

It's midnight Cinderella

Time that you should know

There's going to be some changes

In the way this story goes

It's midnight Cinderella

But don't you worry none

'Cause I'm Peter Peter the pumpkin eater

And the party's just begun

I'm gonna help you get over

Being under that spell

You're going to learn to love midnight

Inside this pumpkin shell

I got a few little magic tricks

That your godmother can't do

And I'll show you what it means

To bip-bip-bip-bopidy-boo

It's midnight Cinderella

Time that you should know

There's going to be some changes

In the way this story goes

It's midnight Cinderella

But don't you worry none

'Cause I'm Peter Peter the pumpkin eater

And the party's just begun

Yes I'm Peter Peter the pumpkin eater

And the party has now begun

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