Текст и перевод песни Ireland Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Ireland - Garth Brooks


They say mother earth is breathing

With each wave that finds the shore

Her soul rises in the evening

For to open twilight's door

Her eyes are the stars in heaven

Watching o'er us all the while

And her heart it is in Ireland

Deep within the Emerald Isle

We are forty against hundreds

In someone else's bloody war

We know not why were fighting

Or what we're dying for

They will storm us in the morning

When the sunlight turns the sky

Death is waiting for its dance now

Fate has sentenced us to die

Ireland I am coming home

I can see your rolling fields of green

And fences made of stone

I am reaching out - won't you take my hand

I'm coming home Ireland

Oh the captian he lay bleeding

And I can hear him calling me

These men are yours now for the leading

Show them to their destiny

And as I look up all around me

I see the ragged tired and torn

I tell them to make ready

'Cause we're not waiting for the morn'

Ireland I am coming home

I can see your rolling fields of green

And fences made of stone

I am reaching out - won't you take my hand

I'm coming home Ireland

Now the fog is deep and heavy

As we forge the dark and fear

We can hear their horses breathing

As in silence we draw near

And there are no words to be spoken

Just a look to say good-bye

I draw a breath and night is broken

As I scream our battle cry

Ireland I am coming home

I can see your rolling fields of green

And fences made of stone

I am reaching out - won't you take my hand

I'm coming home Ireland

Yes, I am home Ireland

(We were forty against hundreds...)

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