Текст и перевод песни Honky-Tonk Somewhere Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Honky-Tonk Somewhere - Garth Brooks

Honky-Tonk Somewhere

Help me, 911 operator, got a Friday night emergency

I need nursing 'cause I'm hurting from a long week working

And I'm thirsting for a remedy

I need a red-head, brunette, or blonde

Angel have mercy that will put me through intensive care

There's gotta be a honky-tonk somewhere

Hang on, don't hang up on me lady

Gotta take me to the promised land

'Cause I'm dying to see something like a jukejoint jumping

To the thumping little five piece band

I need a red dirt 'n' swinging

Anything that's country

Karaoke, I don't care

There's gotta be a honky-tonk somewhere

There's gotta be a honky-tonk somewhere

There's gotta be a honky-tonk

Girl you gotta get me there

I've tried the phone at the road

Mapped Siri, where's the party at

That ain't got me anywhere

There's gotta be a honky-tonk somewhere

Last call, answer operater

I'm afraid I'm running out of time

I know I sound broken but I just keep hoping

For an open glowing neon sign

Maybe this is crazy but I'm thinking baby

Maybe later you could meet me there

There's gotta be a honky-tonk somewhere

There's gotta be a honky-tonk somewhere

There's gotta be a honky-tonk

Girl you gotta get me there

I've tried the phone at the road

Mapped Siri, where's the party at

That ain't got me anywhere

There's gotta be a honky-tonk somewhere

Out there's gotta be a honky-tonk somewhere

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