Текст и перевод песни He Really Loves You Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни He Really Loves You - Garth Brooks

He Really Loves You

Five o'clock traffic, all four lanes are down to a crawl

He's sitting there knowing that he's going nowhere at all

Then finally he sees the wreck

And says a prayer for whoever they are

Then everything changes the second he sees it's her car

He really loves you

And God knows it's true

And it's something he'd say

And he'd tell you each day

It was the way that He knew

But to some of us guys, you don't realize

How to say it is just not what we do

And it's so hard to see, but take it from me

He really loves you

Down on the shoulder, he's running as fast as he can

Dying to hold her, he's truly a desperate man

And he falls to his knees at the wreck

Up close it all looks so much worse

Same color, same model, but the car in the crash isn't hers

He really loves you

And God knows it's true

And it's something he'd say

And he'd tell you each day

It was the way that He knew

But to some of us guys, you don't realize

How to say it is just not what we do

And it's so hard to see, but take it from me

He really loves you

I come home tonight like everything is alright

But nothing's changed, but it's simply not true

Been there today, and you'd see the way

He really loves you

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