Текст и перевод песни Good Ride Cowboy Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Good Ride Cowboy - Garth Brooks

Good Ride Cowboy

From the hills of Kaycee, Wyoming

Where life's wooly and wild

There's an Air Force brat in a cowboy hat

And that Copenhagen smile

And from bucking broncs to honky tonks

He always sang a cowboy's song

We were much too young, having too much fun

As we all sang along

We sang Life's a Highway

There's only one way you're gonna get through it

When she starts to twist be more like Chris

Pull your hat down tight

And just LeDoux it!

When that whistle blows

And that crowd explodes

And them pickup men are at your side

They tell you good ride cowboy, good ride

From gold buckles to gold records

Once again he was spinning 'round

Took the whole world on

And he turned us on to that Western Underground

And from Bareback Jack to This Cowboy's Hat

The songs were stronger than his pain

He would not slow down from town to town

Like children running through the rain

We sang Life's a Highway

There's only one way you're gonna get through it

When she starts to twist be more like Chris

Pull your hat down tight

And just LeDoux it!

When that whistle blows

And that crowd explodes

And them pickup men are at your side

They tell you good ride cowboy, good ride

We sang Life's a Highway

There's only one way you're gonna get through it

When she starts to twist be more like Chris

Pull your hat down tight

And just LeDoux it!

When that whistle blows

And that crowd explodes

And them pickup men are at your side

They tell you good ride cowboy, good ride

When we cross that river Jordan,

With St Peter on the other side

Singing Good Ride Cowboy, Good Ride!

Say Good Ride Cowboy, Good Ride!

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