Текст и перевод песни Friends in Low Places (long version) Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Friends in Low Places (long version) - Garth Brooks

Friends in Low Places (long version)

Blame it all on my roots, I showed up in boots

And ruined your black tie affair.

Last one to know, last one to show

I was the last one you thought you'd see there

And I saw the surprise, and the fear in his eyes

When I took his glass of champagne

And I toasted you, said "Honey we may be through,

But you'll never hear me complain...

'Cause I've got friends in low places

Where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases

My blues away, and I'll be OK.

And I'm not big on social graces

Think I'll slip on down to the oasis

So I've got friends... in low places!

Well, I guess I was wrong,

I just don't belong

But then, I've been there before

Everything's all right, I'll just say goodnight

And I'll show myself to the door

Hey, I didn't mean to cause a big scene

Just give me an hour and then,

Well I'll be as high as that ivory tower

That you're living in

(Repeat Chorus Twice)

Well, I guess I was wrong

I just don't belong

But then I've been there before

Everything's all right

I'll just say good night

And I'll show myself to the door

Hey, I didn't mean

To cause a big scene

Just wait till I finish this glass

Then sweet little lady

I'll head back to the bar

And you can kiss my ass

(Repeat Chorus Out)

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