Текст и перевод песни For a Minute There Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни For a Minute There - Garth Brooks

For a Minute There

We were walking 'long the ocean

Together hand in hand

When I stopped to write "I love you" in the sand

And when I looked up you were standing

Ten miles out at sea

And in a sweat

I woke up from that crazy dream

As I reached to hold you in the morning light

It was just your pillow

I clug to so tight

For a minute therer

I thought it was you

For a minute there

My pryers had finally come true

For a minute there

I began again to live

What I wouldn't give

For just a minute there

Five o'clock on Friday

Sitting at a light

When this angel walked right by me

On my right

And the cars all started honking

As my feet hit ground

And though I chased and called

You never turned around

Oh the walk, the hair, the perfume

Were the same

How I wished she would have answered

To your name

Tonight the stars in heaven

Are bright as they can be

And I Swear one of them

Is winking down at me

What I wouldn't give

How I'd love to live

For just a minute there

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