Текст и перевод песни Do What You Gotta Do Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Do What You Gotta Do - Garth Brooks

Do What You Gotta Do

Sometimes you've got to take the heat

If you're gonna walk down on the mean street

Take the heat and you see it through

'Cause sometimes it comes down to

Do what you gotta do

Sometimes it goes right down to the wire

And you might have to walk through the fire

Walk on, boy, all the way through

Sometimes it just comes down to

Do what you gotta do

Well, there's people that'll tell you

It's just no use

And there's people that'll tell you

That you're gonna lose

People that'll tell you

Anything you're gonna listen to

Do what you gotta do

~End Bridge~

Someday they're going to call you name

They'll come looking for someone to balme

What's your name, boy

Hey, you just tell them true

'Cause they can't take the truth from you

So do what you gotta do

Well, they'll call you a hero or a traitor

But you'll find out that, sooner or later,

Nobody in this world is gonna do it for you

Do what you gotta do

There ain't nobody in this world

That's gonna do it for you

Do what you gotta do

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