Текст и перевод песни Cowboy Bill Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Cowboy Bill - Garth Brooks

Cowboy Bill

He told a good story

And all us kids listened

About his life on the border

And the way it was then

And we'd all believe

And when he was finished

We'd ask the old cowboy

To tell them again

You could almost hear

Those prairie winds blowing

His saddle a creaking

'Neath his old faded jeans

You could taste the dry dust

From the trail he was riding,

As he sat there and painted

Those west Texas scenes

And the grownups would tell us, "You boys keep your distance"

"That old man's just telling you lies"

But to all us kids

Cowboy Bill was a hero

Just as true

As his blue Texas skies.

He told of the time

When he rode with the Rangers

Down on the Pecos

And he saved the day

Outnumbered by plenty

They were almost to cover

With 30 banditos

Headed their way

He looked back just in time

To see a horse stumble

The captain went down

And Bill pulled up on his reins

And through a flurry of bullets

He rescued the captain

They rode for a sunset

Just the story remains

And the grownups would tell us, "You boys keep your distance"

"That old man's just telling you lies"

But to all us kids

Cowboy Bill was a hero

Just as true

As his blue Texas skies.

Well I still remember

The day that it happened

We waited and we waited

But Bill never showed

The folks at the feed store

Said that they hadn't seen him

So we set out for his place

Down old Christville road

And we cried when we found him

Lying there with his memories

The old trunk wide open

Things scattered about

He was clutching a badge

That said, "Texas Ranger"

And in old yeller letters

Said, "Texas Is Proud"

And those grownups that told us, "You boys keep your distance"

That old man's just telling you lies"

Well now

They're all saying

That Cowboy Bill was a hero

Just as true

As his blue Texas skies

Just as true

As his blue Texas skies

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