Текст и перевод песни Cold Like That Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Cold Like That - Garth Brooks

Cold Like That

Yeah, the high road's a little too high to take

I wanna walk a mile the easy way

Wanna take a page from your guiltless book

Wanna let myself off the hook today

Let my conscience have a break

I wish I could be cold like that, then it wouldn't hurt so bad

I could be the train for a change you could be the one tied to the track

Baby, wouldn't it be nice just to just plow through life

Fall in love, cause a crash, walk away without a scratch and crush hearts like ice

I wish I could be cold like that, so cold like that

Yeah, you burn so hot 'til you get what you want

Guess you got what you wanted

Then your love just stopped and the temperature dropped

Like your heart was haunted

I wish I could be cold like that, then it wouldn't hurt so bad

I could be the train for a change you could be the one tied to the track

Baby, wouldn't it be nice just to just plow through life

Fall in love, cause a crash, walk away without a scratch and crush hearts like ice

I wish I could be cold like that, so cold like that, so cold like that

I wish I could get off on a goodbye

Be the bad guy on the other side of the tears, of the tears

I wish I could be cold like that, so cold like that

I could be the train for a change you could be the one tied to the track

Baby, wouldn't it be nice just to just plow through life

Fall in love, cause a crash, walk away without a scratch and crush hearts like ice

I wish I could be cold like that, so cold like that, so cold like that

I wish could be cold like that, so cold like that

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