Текст и перевод песни Allison Miranda Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Allison Miranda - Garth Brooks

Allison Miranda

On a two lane north of Casper is where this all begins

Heading back to Oklahoma for a week to visit friends

She was walking 'long the highway so I pulled off to the side

And asked her if she needed a ride

We tore up that ole blacktop till we found I-25

And just into Colorado she asked if she could drive

I'd never met nobody like her. I'd never laughed so much

And I grew hungry for her touch

I used to think of autumn

As sweaters and leaves

And I used to think the night

Was just for dreamers and thieves

But that was before she came

Allison Miranda was her name

By the time that we hit Kansas we both felt pretty beat

So we found ourselves a motel and grabbed a bit to eat

We'd rest a few short hours; soon we'd be out of there

Three days later we come up for air

Now I can't forget the morning when I woke alone in bed

To a rose left on her pillow and a good-bye note that read

You cannot grow a flower if you do not have the seed

Now I've got everything I need

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