Текст и перевод песни All-American Kid Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни All-American Kid - Garth Brooks

All-American Kid

Was the captain of the team his senior year

In his eyes on his helmet he had no fear

Down by six, ball on the ten

Said, "Huddle up, boys, we've got a game to win."

He snapped the ball, he looked left and right

Nobody was open so he tucked in tight

And with four of them boys hanging on to him

The clock ran out as he ran it in

And the whole town cheered

And his mama cried

And they rushed down field

And they raised him high

Got his picture in the paper and the headline read "All-American Comeback Kid"

He was recruited by the best schools in the land

He decided he would sign with his Uncle Sam

Kissed his mama goodbye in their living room

Said, "Dad, don't worry, I'll be home soon."

And the whole town cheered

And his mama cried

And they lined the street

Just to say goodbye

Got his picture in the paper and the headline read "Come Back All-American Kid"

Three tours of duty

And a silver star

Brought him back home with his battle scars

He stepped off the plane

In his combat boots

He saluted the red, the white and blue

And the whole town cheered

And his mama cried

Another hometown boy

Made it home alive

Got his picture in the paper and the headline read "Welcome Back All-American Kid"

Yeah, this song is for those who never did

Come back all-American kids

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