Текст и перевод песни Against the Grain Garth Brooks (Гарт Брукс) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Against the Grain - Garth Brooks

Against the Grain

Folks call me a maverick

Guess I ain't too diplomatic

I just never been the kind to go along

Just avoiding confrontation

For the sake of conformation

And I'll admit I tend to sing a different song

But sometimes you just can't be afraid

To wear a different hat

If Columbus had complied

This old world might still be flat

Nothing ventured, nothing gained

Sometimes you've got to go against the grain

Well, I have been accused

Of making my own rules

There must be rebel blood

Just a-running through my veins

But I ain't no hypocrite

What you see is what you get

And that's the only way I know

To play the game

Old Noah took much ridicule

For building his great ark

But after forty days and forty nights

He was looking pretty smart

Sometimes it's best to brave the wind and rain

By having strength to go against the grain

Well, there's more folks than a few

Who share my point of view

But they're worried

If they're gonna sink or swim

They'd like to buck the system

But the deck is stacked against 'em

And they're a little scared

To go out on a limb

But if you're gonna make a difference

If you're gonna leave your mark

You can't follow like a bunch of sheep

You got to listen to your heart

Go busting in like old John Wayne

Sometimes you got to go against the grain

Nothing ventured, nothing gained

Sometimes you've got to go against the grain

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