Текст и перевод песни From This Moment On Frank Sinatra (Фрэнк Синатра) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни From This Moment On - Frank Sinatra

From This Moment On

From this moment on

You for me, dear

Only two for tea, dear

From this moment on

From this happy day

No more blue songs

Only hoop-dee-doo songs

From this moment on

For you've got the love I need so much

You've got the skin that I love to touch

Got the arms to hold me tight

Got those sweet lips to kiss me goodnight

From this moment on

You and I, babe

We'll be riding high, babe

Every care is gone

From this moment on

From this moment on

You for me, dear

Only two for tea, dear

From this moment on

From, from this happy day

No more blue songs

Only hoop-dee-doo songs

From this moment on

For you've got the love that I need so much

Yeah, you've got the kind of skin that I love to touch

And you've got the arms that can hold me tight

You've got those lovely lips just to kiss me goodnight

From this moment on

You and I, babe

We'll be riding high, babe

Every one of our cares are gone

From this moment

From this very moment

From this moment on

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