Текст и перевод песни Wouldn’t Have You Any Other Way (NYC) Elton John (Элтон Джон) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Wouldn’t Have You Any Other Way (NYC) - Elton John

Wouldn’t Have You Any Other Way (NYC)

Иначе бы я не обрел тебя

Wouldn't Have You Any Other Way (NYC)

Lyrics by Bernie Taupin

Available on the album The Captain And The Kid

I remember it like it was yesterday

Snow in the park and skaters on the ice

Long black cars standing side-by-side

Loading up the boys at night

Turned up our collars to the chill of the wind

Caught an innocent smile from a taxi at the lights

Not something you'd see on a New York street

It's such an uncommon sight


But I wouldn't have it any other way

This city's got a thing about it

Don't try to understand it

New York City I'd really like to stay

New York City I wouldn't have you

I wouldn't have you any other way

Oh the subway rumbled underneath

Italian lights where Joey Gallo died

And the man on the door down at Fifty Four's

Is letting only the pretty inside

I'd wake with a stranger under the covers

Late in the day and longing for the night

Just like the snowfall there's so many bodies

But somehow it feels so right

[repeat chorus]

And I can feel the magic

And read a million lips

And no matter what might happen

They'll never sink this ship

[repeat chorus]

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