Текст и перевод песни The Wasteland Elton John (Элтон Джон) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни The Wasteland - Elton John

The Wasteland

Бесплодная земля

Some days I think it's all a dream

The things I've done, the places that I've been

This life of mine seemed surreal at times

Wasted days and nights in someone else's mind

Could it be I'm not for real?

I've slapped my face to check out how I feel

There's hostages to prove it's true

Who lives behind the mask was never proved

Come on Robert Johnson

Though we're worlds apart

You and I know what it's like

With the devil in our heart

You sold your soul at the crossroads

Kept a little of mine on hand

I'm wading out this muddy water

Been stranded in the Wasteland

Rattling chains all around my bed

Ghosts can laugh but they're already dead

I'm not dying and I'm far from gone

The blues man spent his candle but his pain lives on

Come on Robert Johnson

Though we're worlds apart

You and I know what it's like

With the devil in our heart

You sold your soul at the crossroads

Kept a little of mine on hand

I'm wading out this muddy water

Been stranded in the Wasteland

Come on Robert Johnson

Though we're worlds apart

You and I know what it's like

With the devil in our heart

You sold your soul at the crossroads

Kept a little of mine on hand

I'm wading out this muddy water

Been stranded in the Wasteland, in the Wastleland

In the Wasteland, in the Wastleland

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