Текст и перевод песни Oscar Wilde Gets Out Elton John (Элтон Джон) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Oscar Wilde Gets Out - Elton John

Oscar Wilde Gets Out

Оскар Уайльд убирается прочь

Freedom for the scapegoat, let him rot in jail

Gloomy eyes, just pissed his heart like crucifixion nails

Shake his fists and raise his beam, he never stood a chance

When the angry red mob on Fleet Street you turned your eyes to friends

Humble thought from Dublin chased across the waves

Your body still sharp enough to slice through every page

Destitute and beaten by the system of the crown

The bitter pill you swallowed take the sweet of going down

And looking back with a great indifference

Looking back at the lime stone walls

Thinking how beauty deceived you

Knowing how the fools are fought

A golden boy in velvet landed in New York

The past was so seductive when they paid to hear you talk

Baccarat and champagne flutes, tobacco from Virginia

Long before the lords and Lord granted Oscar Wilde a sinner

Looking back on a cold, bleak winter

Looking back on those long, dark days

Set like the head of Joan the Baptist

In the other sour May

Don't turn around if you watch out screaming

Don't cry out loud, you never know who's listening

'Cause dear Lord, the exiles aren't forgiven

From ?? to a prison

Looking back at the hard life

Looking back at the wretched war

Taken back there for my savior

Strange to think I'll miss them all

Strange to thing I'll miss them all

And looking back with a great indifference

Looking back at the lime stone walls

Thinking how beauty deceived you

Knowing how the fools are fought

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