Текст и перевод песни All the Nasties Elton John (Элтон Джон) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни All the Nasties - Elton John

All the Nasties

Все эти гадости

If it came to pass that they should ask

What could I tell them

Would they criticize behind my back

Maybe I should let them

Oh if only then and only then

They would understand

They'd turn a full-blooded city boy

Into a full-blooded city man

If they could face it

I could take it in their eyes

Oh I know I'd make it

Their tiny minds

And sacred cows just fake it

If only then and only then

They would understand

They'd turn a full-blooded city boy

Into a full-blooded city man

But I know the way they want me

In the way they publicize

If they could turn their focus off

To the image in their eyes

Maybe it would help them, help them understand

Maybe it would help them, help them understand

Maybe it would help them, help them understand

That a full-blooded city boy

Is now a full-blooded city man

Oh my soul

Oh my soul

Oh my soul

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