Текст и перевод песни Shelter Duran Duran (Дюран Дюран) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Shelter - Duran Duran


Just come softly to me

In the shelter of my arms

I watch you from my window working this vicious road

You shudder when the wind blows

Girl you're looking beat and cold

Don't know your situation but you look so alone to me

In my imagination this is how the message reads

Reaching out, calling out for your love babe

Just come softly to me

Reaching out, calling out for your love, for your love babe

In the shelter of my heart

Trust my intuition, you're the one I've got to know

I give without condition

Wouldn't try to save your soul

Money or reputation doesn't mean a thing to me

Special communication, it's the only thing we need

Reaching out, calling out

Just come softly to me

Calling out, hear me now

In the shelter of my heart

Reaching out, calling out

Hear me now

Do you read me?

In the shelter of my heart

Just come softly to me

Here there is no hurt to feel

Here is safe for lips unsealed

In the shelter of my heart

Reaching out, calling out for your love babe

Just come softly to me

Reaching out, calling out for your love, for your love babe

In the shelter of my heart

Reaching out, hear me now, calling out

Do you read me?

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