Текст и перевод песни Shadows on Your Side Duran Duran (Дюран Дюран) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Shadows on Your Side - Duran Duran

Shadows on Your Side

Shackled and raised for a shining crowd

They want you to speak but the music is louder than

All of their roar with the heat of the planet's core-but

The shadows are on your side

As soon as the lights go down

In the darkest place you can find

You belong to the hands of the night

Promises made with a distant friend

Truth should be known it can only bend

To a tune of its own

Hey you'll never hear that voice again

Scandal in white on a tangled vine

With everybody to say that you're having the

Time of your life when your life is on the slide-but

The shadows are on your side

As soon as the lights go down

In the darkest place you can find

You belong to the hands of the night

Spinning a compass to choose your way

You can run you can dive you can stand and you can soar

Whichever way you can be sure-that

The shadows are on your side

As soon as the lights go down

In the darkest place you can find

You belong to the hands of the night

Shadows on your side

The shadows are on your side

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