Текст и перевод песни I Take the Dice Duran Duran (Дюран Дюран) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни I Take the Dice - Duran Duran

I Take the Dice

Midnight I think I'm gonna make it

Feel the magical lash of the roll

And the crash in their lives

Headline in tomorrow's papers

Kill that light it's so bright

And you're shining it right in my eyes

Show me your secret and tell me your name

Catch me with your fizzy smile

Try to remember again and again

What it is that I recognise

Don't ask me now

When I need you I don't know how

To believe in your advice

Just this once I take the dice

Midnight so what's the point of faking

For a kiss or a whisper

You pull out a desperate prize

Hold tight onto Daddy's bracelet

Make them pay for their chances

With money they don't think that's nice

Show me your secret and tell me your name

Catch me with your fizzy smile

Try to remember again and again

What it is that I recognise

Don't ask me now

When I need you I don't know how

To believe in your advice

Just this once I take the dice

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