Текст и перевод песни Hothead Duran Duran (Дюран Дюран) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Hothead - Duran Duran


(We will continue... er... to... er... watch

This situation very closely)

Here in the shadows where we stand

Watching lady, watching man

(And it may take nature three years the experts

Say to make up for the damage done)

Greedy for pictures as they roll

We see the planet lose control

(The average credit card holder has

About $750 of revolving debt)

Hothead! evolution nonstop evolution


Hothead! evolution nonstop evolution

Hothead! ... Hothead

Time, time will change the picture

(Ah it's a good sign)

About time, time will change the picture

Power to change the point of view

But what is fake and what is true

(There are charges today that a consumer product

Is torching homes and killing Americans)

Blow by blow you're telling me

You'll change the course of history

(Our television tends to come out of Hollywood

Action cars, crashes, chases)

Hothead! evolution nonstop evolution


Hothead! evolution nonstop evolution

Hothead! ... hothead

Time, time will change the picture

(Ah it's a good sign)

About time, time will change the picture

I turn you on you turn me off

Right now I'm suffering from this culture shock

Spread confusion wherever you can

With shaking heads and shaking hands

Cue propaganda to manipulate

Where there's megabucks you protect the state

Let the body break and the body tumble

So you build it up, then you watch it crumble

Time will change the picture

Evolution, nonstop evolution

About time, time will change the picture

Evolution, nonstop evolution

About time, time will change the picture

Evolution, NONSTOP!

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