Текст и перевод песни Finest Hour Duran Duran (Дюран Дюран) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Finest Hour - Duran Duran

Finest Hour

Прекрасное время

How does it feel out on the ice?

You speak to the crowd but nobody hears

It's not a dream and you are no prize

And you're not alone come in from the fear

Gonna take it back

Take back the life that you wanna lead

Been under quiet attack

But now it's time for you and me

Gonna take it back

You've got to fight for what you believe

We're gonna make this stand

The finest hour that we see

When did our choice become erased?

Where is the violence in this crowd?

Now that our voice has been replaced

With a silence that screams out loud

Gonna take it back

Take back the life that you wanna lead

Been under quiet attack

But now it's time for you and me

Gonna take it back

You've got to fight for what you believe

We're gonna make this stand

The finest hour that we see

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Gonna take it back

Take back the life that you wanna lead

Been under quiet attack

But now it's time for you and me

Gonna take it back

You've got to fight for what you believe

We're gonna make this stand

The finest hour that we see

Yeah... The finest hour that we see

We're gonna make this stand

The Finest Hour that we see

Yeah -eah - eah -eah -eah

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