Текст и перевод песни Misled Céline Dion (Селин Дион) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Misled - Céline Dion



I thought I knew you

Thought that I knew you well

We had a rhythm but I guess you never can tell

Oh, I learned early never to ignore the signs

You'll be forgiven

It ain't worth that much, to my mind

Loving you, so easy

It's hard to say goodbye

But if that's the way it goes, it goes

Just a page in my history

Just another one of those mysteries

One more lover that used to be

If you think you're in my head

You've been seriously misled

Seriously misled

Loving somebody ain't your average 9-to-5

It takes conviction

It takes a will to survive

I'm not somebody who commits a crime

And then leaves the scene

But when I've been dissed

I don't spend much time on "what might have been"

I'm not about self-pity

Your love did me wrong

Now I'm moving, moving on, yeah

Just a page in my history

Just another one of those mysteries

One more lover that used to be

If you think you're in my head

You've been seriously misled

Seriously misled

I'll get on with my life

And you're not on my mind

I'm not too close to time

To get over you

I'm not about self-pity

Your love did me wrong

So I'm moving, moving on

Just a page in my history

Just another one of those mysteries

(Just another page!)

One more lover that used to be

If you think you're in my head

You're seriously misled

Just a page in my history

Just another one of those mysteries

One more lover that used to be

If you think it, baby

Think it, baby

Think it, baby

Oh yeah

Just a page in my history

Just another one of those mysteries

One more lover that used to be

If you think you're in my head

You've been seriously misled

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