Текст и перевод песни Love by Another Name Céline Dion (Селин Дион) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Love by Another Name - Céline Dion

Love by Another Name

Somewhere past midnight

When the moment is just right

We ride the streets of desire

We take it slow and

Always get where we're going

'Cause where there's smoke there's a fire

There's no denying

We don't need to keep trying

Let's face the music and dance

Well it's all semantic

What we never say

But what we feel ain't going away ...

So I wonder - how could we be feeling

More than this

Tell me true

What it is, 'cause

Something has to make us feel this way

Love by another name

Doesn't matter 'cause it's still the same love

Won't depend on the words we say

Love by another name

Something happens when we're making love

Si ce n'est pas l'amour

Qu'est-ce que c'est?

We're superstitious

When every day is like Christmas

It should be left undisturbed

No promise spoken

Hearts don't have to get broken

More than a four letter word

If we're just pretending

We can write a new ending

If we don't like where it leads

Well it's new romantic

Action over words

The sweetest nothings that I've heard

I can't tell you everything I'm feeling

More than this

Do you know

What it is, 'cause

I know that I can't describe

What I'm feeling inside

Maybe I'll learn

I guess I live with the fear

This could all disappear

If I try to put in words

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