Текст и перевод песни I Know What Love Is Céline Dion (Селин Дион) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни I Know What Love Is - Céline Dion

I Know What Love Is

I was forgotten

Until you called my name

Lost in the shadows

Until you shined your light my way

Now I believe again

In all my dreams again

I'm wide eyed and innocent

Those doubting days

Are so far away and oh

I will fall

And you will catch me always

Time has taught me this

I will fly

And you'll be there to guide me

Straight up to my heart's highest wish

I feel you close to me

And I know what love is

Now there's no mountain

Too high for me to climb

No ocean so wide

That I could not reach the other side

Now I believe in me

'Cause you live and breathe in me

And nothing can come between

We are one star

No night can darken, oh

I will fall

And you will catch me always

Time has taught me this

I will fly

And you'll be there to guide me

Straight up to my heart's highest wish

I feel you close to me

And I know what love is

It's an unspoken thing

A quiet opening

There are no words that can go that deep

But I know

I know

I will fall

And you will catch me always

Time has taught me this

I will fly

And you'll be there to guide me

Straight up to my heart's highest wish

I feel you close to me

And I know what love is

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