Текст и перевод песни The Singer Barbra Streisand (Барбара Стрейзанд) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни The Singer - Barbra Streisand

The Singer

In a small café

On a crowded night

In a spot of light

Stands the singer,

And the band begins

And the beat is strong

And the room belongs

To the singer,

All the people turn to hear

The sad refrain

And catch the cry of pain

That's in his song

But in his haunted face

And in his searching eyes

There's sign that something's wrong

Now the eager crowd

Hangs on every word

But the sounds are slurred by the singer

Till the people feel every aching part

Of the broke heart of the singer

Still the song goes on

About a love e knew

That seemed so sure and true

But turned out wrong

And from the tears he shows

Nobody really knows

Is he the singer or the song?

Is he the singer or the song?

As the sad song ends

He hits the final note

It catches in his throat

But comes out strong

And as he bows and goes

Nobody really knows

Was he the singer or the song?

Was he the singer or the song?

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