Текст и перевод песни (Have I Stayed) Too Long at the Fair / Look at That Face Barbra Streisand (Барбара Стрейзанд) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни (Have I Stayed) Too Long at the Fair / Look at That Face - Barbra Streisand

(Have I Stayed) Too Long at the Fair / Look at That Face

I wanted the music to play on forever

Have I stayed too long at the fair?

I wanted the clown to be constantly clever

Have I stayed to long at the fair?

Allow me blue ribbons to tie up my hair

But I couldn't find anybody to care

The merry-go-round is beginning to slow down

Have I stayed too long at the fair?

There is nothing to win

And there's no one to want me, save me

Look at that face, just look at it

Look at that fabulous face of yours

I knew first look I took at it

This was the face that the world adores

Look at those eyes

As wise and as deep as the sea

Look at that nose

It shows what a nose should be

As for your smile, it's lyrical

Friendly and warm as a summer day

Your face is just a miracle

Where could I ever find words to say?

The way that it makes me happy

Whatever the time or place

I will find in no book

I will find when I love, I'll go far

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