Текст и перевод песни The Bottom Line Alanis Morissette (Аланис Мориссетт) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни The Bottom Line - Alanis Morissette

The Bottom Line

If somebody asked you to surrender

And that was the only way to win

If somebody offered you the freedom to open your mind again

Would you take that flight

Would you walk right in

So meet me down at the bottom line

And open my heart with your hands

And we'll hear the sound of pretenses falling

And find where the truth has been

Down at the bottom line

If somebody led you to the water

If somebody taught you how to swim

If somebody took your doubt and turned it out

And then you could breathe again

Would you take that chance

Would you dive right in

So meet me down at the bottom line

And open my heart with your hands

And we'll hear the sound of pretenses falling

And find where the truth has been

Down at the bottom line

What if the wind blows

The cradle will fall

What if the wise man knows nothing at all

We justify

We crucify

But we don't have the balls to cry

So meet me down at the bottom line

And open my heart with your hands

And we'll hear the sound of pretenses falling

And find where the truth has been

Down at the bottom line

Where truth always flows

That's where we'll go

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