Текст и перевод песни Permission Alanis Morissette (Аланис Мориссетт) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Permission - Alanis Morissette


I've been a maze-girl offering much grumbling low and I gave all ...

All that was asked of me when order was so and vision was unrelenting

I never stop long enough to swim against the tides of old

And I was single minded too much to look toward this neutral love, so now

Permission to be, permission to slow

And do the only things that matter to me

The freedom to flow to where genuine flows

And do the only things that matter to me

And sure I've had my fun, played with my roles

With times for a break-heart one, but then after a while

So much done by road, no longer by inspiration

I never stopped long enough to see who's was this blind ambition

And I was not sanctioned to stop and realize who's was this omission

So now

Permission to be, permission to slow

And do the only things that matter to me

The freedom to flow to where genuine flows

And do the only things that matter to me

With this space

By the dropping of ways

This license to be

"With this time really we"


So now

Permission to be permission to slow

And do the only things that matter to me

The freedom to flow to where genuine flows

And do the only things that matter to me.


The simple things that matter to me


The simple things that matter to me


The simple things that matter to me.

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