Текст и перевод песни On My Own Alanis Morissette (Аланис Мориссетт) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни On My Own - Alanis Morissette

On My Own

Сама по себе

Why do I feel it's all up to me to see that

Everything's right and it's how it should be

Why don't they just leave me alone

I've got to prove I can

Little girl with stars in her eyes they've

Got her all figured out and there's nowhere

To hide why can't they all see who I am

When will they understand

It may take some time they don't know how

It feels because they can't read my mind

They always say I'm too young and they

Feel they should help me

But I can make it all alone out here on my own

Every day I feel so in demand and all I

Wish I could find is a place I can land

One day I'll feel comfort inside 'cause I'll

Know who I am

I can hold the line if I know in the end

That I won't be left behind I don't regret

What I've done I don't think you can blame me

Now I'm standing all alone out here on my own

I'm not thinking 'bout leaving home

But I need to be on my own

Doesn't mean I have a heart of stone

I won't even ask them why

I can't ever let them see me cry

Here I'm standing all alone out here on my own...

Out here on my own

Feeling lost in a world full of lies

I can't help thinking that love is just

Passing me by Hold on to what I believe

And keep an open hand

Can I have it all if there's no one to

Turn to when I stumble and fall

Is there a secret I need because no one

Has told me-all alone

It may take some time 'cause I know

How it feels to have a lot on your mind

I'll never feel all alone cause!

Know that I have me

Now I can make it all alone out here on my own

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