Текст и перевод песни Numb Alanis Morissette (Аланис Мориссетт) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Numb - Alanis Morissette


I feel smothered and encumbered and defeated and drawn

Disappointed, over-extended and frustrated and shaken

This over-giving, over-loving, this care-taking goes on

With no chance of intermition

I'll be checked out, I'll be gone

Have to remove myself from sensation

Here comes the feeling

I run from the feeling and reach for the drug

Can't sit with this feeling

I'd rather be flying and comfortably numb

I feel anxious, I am nervous, I am bored

I'm overwhelmed, rather be out of my gourd

Have to remove myself from sensation

Here comes the feeling

I run from the feeling and reach for the drug

Can't sit with this feeling

I'd rather be flying and comfortably numb

I am lonely, I feel hungry and unloved

I feel angry. I am livid. Need a hug

Here comes the feeling

I run from the feeling and reach for the drug

Can't sit with this feeling

I'd rather be flying and comfortably numb

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