Текст и перевод песни No Avalon Alanis Morissette (Аланис Мориссетт) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни No Avalon - Alanis Morissette

No Avalon

No avalon

I'm just a white girl

From a small, safe town

What could I possibly know about destruction?

My lawn sure looks green today

Underneath these suburban skies

But the little boy next door

Wants to be the Lord of the Flies

It's like Cain and Able and the holy sacrifice

And I have to believe that God has closed his eyes

And if there is no Avalon and we only have one life

It's hard to conceive why we let our brothers die

My bed is so safe here

And my rose-colored glasses, they're broken

And how the truth leaks in

And I, I can't imagine

I saw it on the news tonight

That they'd announce his name

I saw the blood on his hands

And they told me to look away

I tell ya it's like Cain and Able and the holy sacrifice

And I have to believe that God has closed his eyes

And if there is no Avalon and we only have one life

It's hard to conceive why we let our sisters die

Why, why?


It's a confusing civilization, darling

I tell ya It's like Cain and Able and the holy sacrifice

And I have to believe that God has closed his eyes

And if there is no Avalon and we only have one life

It's hard to conceive why we let our people die

We let 'em die

And watch them die

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