Текст и перевод песни Closer Than You Might Believe Alanis Morissette (Аланис Мориссетт) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни Closer Than You Might Believe - Alanis Morissette

Closer Than You Might Believe

Friday night's your poem

Saturday your wet dream

Sunday wakes you up slowly

To a face that you don't wanna see

I turned you on, but I left you hungry

And your heart didn't matter till the weekend is gone

Baby sure you're getting some

Really didn't matter if I can't

So if the love that you're chasing after

Is in the heart to be found in the out of reach

Well, if you break it all down

Take a good look around, you'd see

That it's closer than you might believe

Should I take a number?

Should I wait for a day to arrive?

I still hear you cry on my shoulder when

It's not nice on what I gave you tonight

But I let you in

But you leave me standing

And you wonder why I can't relate anymore

Don't you ever think of what it comes down to

No one has to figure out the way that I do

And you know I do

So if the love that you're chasing after

Is in the heart to be found in the out of reach

Well, if you break it all down

Take a good look around, you'd see

That it's closer than you might believe

Slow and easy

I'll tell you that's the way to go

It'll change the way you see me

And you'll will know it

And you will know

So if the love that you're chasing after

Is in the heart to be found in the out of reach

Well, if you break it all down

Take a good look around, you'd see

That it's closer than you might believe

Just turn around and get it

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