Текст и перевод песни River Lea Adele (Адель) на Пазл Инглиш.

Перевод песни River Lea - Adele

River Lea

Река Ли

Everybody tells me it's 'bout time that I moved on

And I need to learn to lighten up and learn how to be young

But my heart is a valley, it's so shallow and man made

I'm scared to death if I let you in that you'll see I'm just a fake

Sometimes I feel lonely in the arms of your touch

But I know that's just me cause nothing ever is enough

When I was a child I grew up by the River Lea

There was something in the water, now that something's in me

Oh I can't go back, but the reeds are growing out of my fingertips

I can't go back to the river

But it's in my roots, it's in my veins

It's in my blood and I stain every heart that I use to heal the pain

But it's in my roots, it's in my veins

It's in my blood and I stain every heart that I use to heal the pain

So I blame it on the River Lea, the River Lea, the River Lea

Yeah I blame it on the River Lea, the River Lea, the River Lea

I should probably tell you now before it's way too late

That I never meant to hurt you or lie straight to your face

Consider this my apology, I know it's years in advance

But I'd rather say it now in case I never get the chance

No I can't go back, but the reeds are growing out of my fingertips

I can't go back to the river

But it's in my roots, it's in my veins

It's in my blood and I stain every heart that I use to heal the pain

It's in my roots, it's in my veins

It's in my blood and I stain every heart that I use to heal the pain

So I blame it on the River Lea, the River Lea, the River Lea

Yeah I blame it on the River Lea, the River Lea, the River Lea

So I blame it on the River Lea, the River Lea, the River Lea

Yeah I blame it on the River Lea, the River Lea, the River Lea

River Lea, River Lea

The River Lea-Lea-Lea-Lea

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